• Cocoonworking – Horaire

    .wpbc_container_booking_form .block_hints, .wpbc_booking_form_simple.wpbc_form_center .wpbc__form__div .wpbc__row.wpbc_r_calendar, .wpbc_booking_form_simple .wpbc__form__div .wpbc__row:not(.wpbc_r_calendar){max-width:440px;}
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    To show CAPTCHA, please deactivate cache plugin or exclude this page from caching or disable CAPTCHA at WP Booking Calendar - Settings General page in Form Options section.
    (function() { var a = setInterval( function() { if ( ( 'undefined' === typeof _wpbc ) || ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery ) || ! window.jQuery ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ jQuery(".widget_wpdev_booking .booking_form.form-horizontal").removeClass("form-horizontal"); var visible_calendars_count = _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" ).length; if (visible_calendars_count !== null ) { for (var i=0;i< visible_calendars_count ;i++){ if ( _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" )[i] === 1 ) { document.getElementById("form_id875817865944").innerHTML = "Warning! Booking calendar for this booking resource are already at the page, please check more about this issue at this page: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/why-the-booking-calendar-widget-not-show-on-page/"; jQuery("#form_id875817865944").animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ).fadeOut(5000); return; } } _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" )[ visible_calendars_count ]=1; } } ); }, 500 ); })(); (function() { var a = setInterval( function() { if ( ( 'undefined' === typeof _wpbc ) || ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery ) || ! window.jQuery ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ _wpbc.balancer__set_max_threads( 3 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'calendar_scroll_to' , false ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'booking_max_monthes_in_calendar' , '4m' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'booking_start_day_weeek' , '1' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'calendar_number_of_months' , '1' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'days_select_mode', 'multiple' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'fixed__days_num', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'fixed__week_days__start', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_min', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_max', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_specific', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__week_days__start', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'booking_date_format', 'j M Y' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'booking_time_format', 'H:i' ); if ( 'function' === typeof ( wpbc__conditions__SAVE_INITIAL__days_selection_params__bm ) ){ wpbc__conditions__SAVE_INITIAL__days_selection_params__bm( 1 ); } wpbc_calendar_show( '1' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'nonce', '7ebfdbddef' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'user_id', '0' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'locale', 'fr_FR' ); wpbc_calendar__load_data__ajx( {"resource_id":1,"booking_hash":"","request_uri":"\/categorie-produit\/cocoonworking-by-justforcom\/","custom_form":"standard","aggregate_resource_id_str":"","aggregate_type":"all"} ); } ); }, 500 ); })();

    7 / 7 jours du lundi au dimanche, (lundis matins et dimanches après-midis : fermés).
    Créneaux réservables : de 10 heures à 20 heures

    Mise à disposition

    • Le WIFI se fait en trés haut débit, un grand écran connecté est disponible, ordinateur à la demande, l’accès à la plateforme de formation Backstage © est incluse.
      Possibilité d’installation en terasse lors des périodes clémentes.
    • Tarif horaire :
      11 € par heure
    • Café, thé, jus de fruits, et viennoiseries : inclus dans les tarifs horaires et journaliers

    Avant de payer votre réservation, pensez bien à ajuster le nombre d’heure(s) souhaitée(s) dans la quantité :

  • Cocoonworking – Journalier

    .wpbc_container_booking_form .block_hints, .wpbc_booking_form_simple.wpbc_form_center .wpbc__form__div .wpbc__row.wpbc_r_calendar, .wpbc_booking_form_simple .wpbc__form__div .wpbc__row:not(.wpbc_r_calendar){max-width:440px;}
    Chargement du calendrier...
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    10 : 00 - 11 : 00 11 : 00 - 12 : 00 12 : 00 - 13 : 00 13 : 00 - 14 : 00 14 : 00 - 15 : 00 15 : 00 - 16 : 00 16 : 00 - 17 : 00 17 : 00 - 18 : 00 18 : 00 - 19 : 00 19 : 00 - 20 : 00

    To show CAPTCHA, please deactivate cache plugin or exclude this page from caching or disable CAPTCHA at WP Booking Calendar - Settings General page in Form Options section.
    (function() { var a = setInterval( function() { if ( ( 'undefined' === typeof _wpbc ) || ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery ) || ! window.jQuery ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ jQuery(".widget_wpdev_booking .booking_form.form-horizontal").removeClass("form-horizontal"); var visible_calendars_count = _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" ).length; if (visible_calendars_count !== null ) { for (var i=0;i< visible_calendars_count ;i++){ if ( _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" )[i] === 1 ) { document.getElementById("form_id1329366403665").innerHTML = "Warning! Booking calendar for this booking resource are already at the page, please check more about this issue at this page: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/why-the-booking-calendar-widget-not-show-on-page/"; jQuery("#form_id1329366403665").animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ).fadeOut(5000); return; } } _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" )[ visible_calendars_count ]=1; } } ); }, 500 ); })(); (function() { var a = setInterval( function() { if ( ( 'undefined' === typeof _wpbc ) || ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery ) || ! window.jQuery ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ _wpbc.balancer__set_max_threads( 3 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'calendar_scroll_to' , false ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'booking_max_monthes_in_calendar' , '4m' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'booking_start_day_weeek' , '1' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'calendar_number_of_months' , '1' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'days_select_mode', 'multiple' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'fixed__days_num', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'fixed__week_days__start', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_min', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_max', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_specific', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__week_days__start', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'booking_date_format', 'j M Y' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'booking_time_format', 'H:i' ); if ( 'function' === typeof ( wpbc__conditions__SAVE_INITIAL__days_selection_params__bm ) ){ wpbc__conditions__SAVE_INITIAL__days_selection_params__bm( 1 ); } wpbc_calendar_show( '1' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'nonce', '7ebfdbddef' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'user_id', '0' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'locale', 'fr_FR' ); wpbc_calendar__load_data__ajx( {"resource_id":1,"booking_hash":"","request_uri":"\/categorie-produit\/cocoonworking-by-justforcom\/","custom_form":"standard","aggregate_resource_id_str":"","aggregate_type":"all"} ); } ); }, 500 ); })();

    7 / 7 jours du lundi au dimanche, (lundis matins et dimanches après-midis : fermés).
    Créneaux réservables : de 10 heures à 20 heures

    Mise à disposition

    Le WIFI se fait en trés haut débit, un grand écran connecté est disponible, ordinateur à la demande, l’accès à la plateforme de formation Backstage © est incluse.
    Possibilité d’installation en terasse lors des périodes clémentes.
    Tarif horaire :
    27€ par jour (présence : 3 heures)
    Café, thé, jus de fruits, et viennoiseries : inclus dans les tarifs horaires et journalier

  • Cocoonworking – Hebdomadaire

    .wpbc_container_booking_form .block_hints, .wpbc_booking_form_simple.wpbc_form_center .wpbc__form__div .wpbc__row.wpbc_r_calendar, .wpbc_booking_form_simple .wpbc__form__div .wpbc__row:not(.wpbc_r_calendar){max-width:440px;}
    Chargement du calendrier...
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    10 : 00 - 11 : 00 11 : 00 - 12 : 00 12 : 00 - 13 : 00 13 : 00 - 14 : 00 14 : 00 - 15 : 00 15 : 00 - 16 : 00 16 : 00 - 17 : 00 17 : 00 - 18 : 00 18 : 00 - 19 : 00 19 : 00 - 20 : 00

    To show CAPTCHA, please deactivate cache plugin or exclude this page from caching or disable CAPTCHA at WP Booking Calendar - Settings General page in Form Options section.
    (function() { var a = setInterval( function() { if ( ( 'undefined' === typeof _wpbc ) || ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery ) || ! window.jQuery ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ jQuery(".widget_wpdev_booking .booking_form.form-horizontal").removeClass("form-horizontal"); var visible_calendars_count = _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" ).length; if (visible_calendars_count !== null ) { for (var i=0;i< visible_calendars_count ;i++){ if ( _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" )[i] === 1 ) { document.getElementById("form_id1117362872623").innerHTML = "Warning! Booking calendar for this booking resource are already at the page, please check more about this issue at this page: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/why-the-booking-calendar-widget-not-show-on-page/"; jQuery("#form_id1117362872623").animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ).fadeOut(5000); return; } } _wpbc.get_other_param( "calendars__on_this_page" )[ visible_calendars_count ]=1; } } ); }, 500 ); })(); (function() { var a = setInterval( function() { if ( ( 'undefined' === typeof _wpbc ) || ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery ) || ! window.jQuery ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ _wpbc.balancer__set_max_threads( 3 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'calendar_scroll_to' , false ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'booking_max_monthes_in_calendar' , '4m' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'booking_start_day_weeek' , '1' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1 , 'calendar_number_of_months' , '1' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'days_select_mode', 'multiple' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'fixed__days_num', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'fixed__week_days__start', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_min', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_max', 0 ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__days_specific', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'dynamic__week_days__start', [] ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'booking_date_format', 'j M Y' ); _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( 1, 'booking_time_format', 'H:i' ); if ( 'function' === typeof ( wpbc__conditions__SAVE_INITIAL__days_selection_params__bm ) ){ wpbc__conditions__SAVE_INITIAL__days_selection_params__bm( 1 ); } wpbc_calendar_show( '1' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'nonce', '7ebfdbddef' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'user_id', '0' ); _wpbc.set_secure_param( 'locale', 'fr_FR' ); wpbc_calendar__load_data__ajx( {"resource_id":1,"booking_hash":"","request_uri":"\/categorie-produit\/cocoonworking-by-justforcom\/","custom_form":"standard","aggregate_resource_id_str":"","aggregate_type":"all"} ); } ); }, 500 ); })();

    7 / 7 jours du lundi au dimanche, (lundis matins et dimanches après-midis : fermés).
    Créneaux réservables : de 10 heures à 20 heures

    Mise à disposition

    • Le WIFI se fait en trés haut débit, un grand écran connecté est disponible, ordinateur à la demande, accès à la plateforme de formation Backstage ©.
      Possibilité d’installation en terasse lors des périodes clémentes.
    • Tarif hebdomadaire :
      120 € par semaine soit 7 jours (2 h par jour)
    • Café, thé, jus/salades de fruits, et viennoiseries : Supplément de 5 € par jour, déjà compris dans la tarification.